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MEDAL is dedicated to supporting healthcare professionals in their goals to achieve proficiency in the English language, build excellent interpersonal and communication skills, and enhance their medical expertise on a global scale. By bridging linguistic and cultural barriers in healthcare, we help medical professionals provide exceptional patient care to English-speaking communities. Our team is committed to empowering doctors worldwide to reach their full potential,

collaborate internationally, and make a lasting impact

on the field of medicine!



We empower volunteers to make a difference in the lives of international medical students and doctors by facilitating language assistance and cultural exchange programs. Our goal is to enhance the quality of healthcare worldwide and promote cross-cultural understanding.

Founded in 2023, Medical Education and Learning (MEDAL) is a new organization on campus! Currently, we are partnered with a Vietnamese organization (VietMD) of physicians and medical students who want to improve their English proficiency! Our partner organization and the U.S. Embassy are responsible for bringing in enthusiastic students while MEDAL provides competent and dedicated Teaching Assistants. 

Our courses run twice a year and run throughout the summer. 1.5 hour Zoom meetings are held every week. We understand that as students coming to every session is an unreasonable demand, which is why general members are only required to come to 5 sessions per quarter!  

During the course, our TAs are expected to facilitate activities such as listening comprehension exercises, helping students take a medical history in English, correcting grammar and pronunciation mistakes, giving guidance on what is and what is not perceived as appropriate culturally, and practicing scenarios. Attendance to each 1.5-hour Zoom session will convert to 3 hours in service hours and will be cataloged by our administrative staff throughout the quarter.

Don’t worry if this task seems daunting! TAs are provided a easy-to-follow guide worksheet every session. In addition, we provide new members with a few short training sessions to integrate them into our program. 

General Member Form

Sign up for emails about our info session dates and other events!


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Jan 31th

The course officially begins and members can begin volunteering as Teaching Assistants. 

WEEK 4-10


Catch us at the Enormous Activities Fair with directions from our Instagram stories.

Accepted applicants will attend an online training session and will all be invited to an in-person social by the end of Week 6. 


Introduction time! Our info session will be held over Zoom where you'll get to know more about MEDAL and receive the QR code to our member application. 

Meet the team

Meet the Team

Welcome to our amazing team! We are a group of passionate individuals who are dedicated to making a positive impact in our community. Together, we work towards creating a better organization for everyone. Get to know our team members below!



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Uncertain but still want to stay in the known?

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